Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Thick Skin

Some bloggers quote Bible verses, and someday, I hope to be one of those bloggers, but today, I quote my fortune cookie.
"Happiness is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it."
Alright, so all is truly going very well. We are having so much fun with our new, big family, as I have mentioned before. But, so much of it is a matter of perspective, I think.

For example, Halie has said the following to me in the last week:
"I will hide in a place where you will never find me and I won't have to go home with you."
said to Grandma Nancy "I don't want them to be my Mommy and Daddy."
"I want my Mommy...and it's NOT you."
Normally, I think that those comments might hurt a little bit. Instead of letting it hurt me, or even feel like it has anything to do with me, I am grateful that she feels comfortable enough to express her feelings openly and honestly. We sit together, Halie and I,  and talk about how much "we" miss Grandma and how "we" think that it would be nice to go there every day. We often look at her picture book from the past year as well as the pictures from the "send off party" that we had there last Friday.
For years I have prayed for God to be working in my heart, helping to prepare me for our adoption journey. I prayed that he would mold me into the foster/adoptive mom that He needed me to be for whatever kids he had planned for us. Now, I thank God that he did just that. He has given me an abundance of little hugs and kisses and "Mommy, you're the best!"s to help thicken my skin for the "You're not my Mommy!"s.
I am so grateful for the process and the faith that I have that God is using it all for good.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Making Macaroni Wrapped in a Prayer Shawl

I know that we can't live in the "mountain top moments" all of our lives, but boy, I would like it if we could. On Friday morning, when I got the call saying that we could pick up Jasmine for good, I couldn't contain myself. I was jumping up and down...really, I was...Becca was there to see it! The children that I had been praying for for years, ("God, I lift up to you my children. All of the children that you have planned for my family. Whoever and wherever they are, I pray that you hold them in your arms and protect them until I can do that and so much more."), were finally under one roof, and I was praying with them. Amazing day! For me it truly felt just like the day that each of my biological children were born...but without the pain, sleepless nights and hospital stay. :)

A dear friend told me that I was "glowing". Just right for a new mom.
Another great friend wrote on my facebook, "The only thing better than reading about this was getting to see your face when you told me in person!!!! I wish I had a picture of that for you:)"

I wish I could bottle that day up to save forever, but here I sit, on a new day, making macaroni and cheese for the kids while wrapped in the prayer shawl I was given at church today. Back to the laundry and cleaning and meal making that I call life. Don't get me wrong...I love it all, and I am blessed beyond anything I ever imagined for my life, I just feel myself heading down from that mountain top bit by bit. It reminds me that life goes on and after spending some time in pure joy and fulfillment, the rest of life always goes back to just plain normal. I take tons of pictures and journal about it all so that on some of those normal days, I can go back and grab a piece of the experience.
In one of my favorite Rob Bell videos, he compares life to a hospital. In one room a new baby brings ultimate joy, in another someone dies and grieving begins. Although we spend some time in each of those rooms at one point or another in life, we spend most of our time in the hallways. In between the peaks and the valleys. Living normal days.

So, before I forget all of the glorious details, here is how the went on Friday, September 10, 2010, when I went to pick up my 7th child, and our family was finally complete. (Disclaimer: Unless God has other plans of course, but in my heart and mind, we are complete.)

On Thursday evening I had the honor of driving Dave and my father, Ron, out to East Bay camp for a Great Banquet Retreat Weekend. This, in itself, felt like a mountain top experience as Dave was giving his first ever "talk" and never in my wildest dreams did I think that my father would attend a spiritual retreat. Over a year ago, God was nudging me to invite my dad, and I kept telling Him no. I had a million excuses why my dad would not be interested, and why he was just not the right person. So, God did what He does best. He turned from a gentle nudge to an in my face, "I'm not asking you, Cara. I am telling you!" So, I did it, I asked my dad, he said yes, and now he is there having what sounds like a great weekend. I'll know more tonight when I go to pick them up. :)

But, the reason I mention that is because I drove them to the camp and I left them there for the weekend, which meant I was solo parenting 5 kids Friday-Sunday. Survivable, but not ideal.

Lindsay, my amazing daycare assistant, came in early because I had a meeting scheduled at Prairieland to discuss how Brice was adjusting and how we could help him succeed in kindergarten. I ended up bringing Wren with me to the meeting and to hear Dave's talk just so that she could have some extra "mom time". Dave's talk was to be at 9:15, so Pastor Becca picked us up from the school and we drove out to East Bay from there. As we got close to camp, on this beautiful, clear, sunny, 70ish degree morning, we looked up near a cloud, and there was a tiny baby rainbow just hanging there. God sends rainbows to remind us that he keeps all of his promises. I didn't know it yet, but God was about to make good on a promise that I had been doubting since our first adoption was unsuccessful.
"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." Romans 8:28

Dave was nervous and excited for his talk, "Discovering Priorities", but he was happy to see us. We prayed for him before his talk, and it was just such a special time. It was one of those moments where I was just so proud to call him my husband. He went off to give his talk, and we were able to remain in the chapel and listen as he spoke. He gave the talk that God wanted him to give. Dave was such a wonderful extension of God as he spoke.
Then, I noticed the missed call on my phone. Dave was on his way back to the chapel, so I decided to wait to call her back.
Dave came in, we prayed him down from his talk, and then he went to change into more comfortable clothes. Becca was gone, too. I think she went to raid the snack table! ;-p
As I stood with just Wren in the chapel, I called my voicemail and heard the message I have been waiting since July to hear. "The waiver is complete, and you can pick up Jasmine anytime to transfer her to your home!"
I yelled, I jumped, Wren looked at my like I was nuts! I ran down the hall to find someone to tell. Becca was just coming back through the door and it was so fun to share my excitement with her. She has prayed us through so much. The day that Brandon, Monay and Kia, were adopted by another person, Becca was the one who sat with us and prayed. She has been praying with and for us ever since then.
Then, I ran into tell Dave. He was just done changing and I said, "We get to keep Jasmine! The waiver is done!!!!" His response, "that's cool." I can't even capitalize it because he was so mellow about it. :) I think he was on overload from the weekend and the adrenalive rush from having just given his talk. But, that was it. He went back up to the retreat, I headed home to prepare my heart and mind for Jasmine's permanent arrival.
The rest of the day for me went by in a blur. Daycare was open, and the plan was to get Jasmine that evening, so I scurried around the house, unable to focus or relax all day.
We headed to Danville, IL, to get Jasmine around 4pm.
Although Halie, in a time of missing her former foster parents, had told me, "When we go back to Grandma Nancy's, I am going to hide somewhere where you can never find me!", we still decided that we would all go back to the house where they have lived the past year of their lives, the place they consider home. When we arrived, Jasmine ran out to give hugs to everyone and many family members and friends were there to greet the kids. They had spent the afternoon blowing up balloons, and preparing for the "sending off" party. What I had feared might end up being a tough time for Halie was nothing but a complete blessing. I will share many more details and pictures of that soon. For now though, it was just a perfect ending to a perfect day. As I carried each of my kids into the house, fast asleep, one at a time, I thanked God over and over for keeping his promise, for loving me, and for blessing me so incredibly.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

One Last Missing Piece

Halie woke up today, and the first thing she asked was if she could call Grandma and Jasmine. Then she said, "Maybe we should wait a little while so Grandma can drink her coffee." So cute!
We did get to talk to Grandma Nancy for quite a while today, and Halie did not want to get off of the phone. We had lots of tears when the call was done, and then more at bedtime. Part of me would give anything to know what is going on in her head, and then again, part of me knows it would absolutely break my heart!
She was asking a lot when Jasmine could come stay with us. It breaks my heart. We have tried telling her that we are waiting for the paper, waiting for our caseworker to say it is okay, waiting for God's timing...I really wish we had a solid answer. When Halie and Brice moved in with us, August 17th, we were sure that Jasmine would be following shortly. We never intended for them to be separated this long. It is so sad.
I will be making lots of phone calls tomorrow. When it starts to affect the kids, that's when I get upset. It's not just me being impatient, it's truly fighting for these kids. They are dealing with such loss already, and this just compounds it.
I am really struggling with whether this is God's timing or if I need to be a squeaky wheel. I just don't feel like patience is the answer right now.
We have been waiting to do so many things to celebrate our family growing, but we have had to go ahead with some of them for Halie and Brice's sake. This weekend we began redecorating the bedrooms. Since we did some room shuffling, we wanted to make each child feel some ownership over their rooms, so they each got to pick out some wall decorations and a special poster- Halie and Wren chose princesses, Chloe chose a cute kitten, Carter chose Iron Man, and Brice chose Toy Story. We will all be able to help Jasmine pick out her special decorations as soon as she gets here.
Another big event was buying new bikes for Halie and Brice. Although we have lots of bikes for the daycare kids to ride, our other kids do have their own special bikes, and I wanted the same for all the kids.

On Friday we had a big family "snuggle night" on the couch. We watched Camp Rock 2 on the Disney channel and Daddy bought the soundtrack at Wal-Mart, so we are all singing the songs constantly. It's funny because no matter where we are in the house or what we are all doing, someone is humming a line from one of the songs!
Halie and Brice are becoming computer experts. They always want to play games, and now they can get to their favorite websites and start games all by themselves. It's amazing how quickly kids pick up on how to do that! They also know where the volume buttons are, so we often have games blasting through the house. Why is it that the "volume up" button is found more easily than the "volume down" button?

We miss you Miss Jasmine! We are praying for you every night and thinking about you constantly!