Sunday, March 23, 2014

Blown Away

It seems whenever we have a large goal in front of us, the thing Christians say is, "God will provide if it is His will." It is truth. I know that. All I have comes from God. There is no way on earth that I would be living the life that is before me if it weren't for the heaping piles of grace being poured out over me daily.
Despite that phenomenal gift, sadly, I sometimes slide back into the habit of elevating the value of my own efforts above what God is doing. In my head, it sounds something like this, "God, I trust that you will provide. If this is part of Your plan for me, that would be great. case You don' case it's not, I am going to work really hard to make it successful." Then I move forward with whatever my little human heart is set on.
Sometimes, it ends up alright.
Sometimes, God catches me before it blows up in my face.
Sometimes, God uses it to humble me. And oh, how I have been humbled in this life.

An obedient heart is what I long for. I pray to be smack dab in the center of God's will so that even if I miss the the bull's eye, I am still not completely off the target. Often times, I believe that I begin in the center of God's plan. Then, I invite God to provide and bless what I am doing.
How quickly I get off target.
All along, in everything I do, in every act of service and opportunity to do a good deed, God is inviting me to join Him in the work that He is doing, has been doing and will continue doing whether I choose obedience or to sit on the couch and eat the whole tray of Oreos.
This mission, healing bodies, minds and souls in Uganda, is God's work. He is sovereign over the entire universe, and His beloved children in the US are no different in His eyes than His beloved children in Uganda. God has a plan to bring healing, and part of that is building a bridge between the resources we have and the needs that they have. We are honored to have our heads and our hearts straight as we accept His invitation to see what He is doing. We dedicate the work of our hands and the words of our mouths to HIM.
Because of others who have made a similar commitment, to dedicate a portion of their financial resources to God's work, we have 13 out of the 20 needed Cornerstone sponsors. We have 49 individuals or families who have donated anywhere from $5 to $1200 because they want to be a part of what God is up to.
Friends, there is no way that I can credit my own actions with the fundraising that is taking place. God is just blowing our family out of the water this time. As each and every step falls beautifully into place, we are more and more certain that this is where our family is supposed to be. This journey is being provided for in such a big way by regular people, who all could use a little more money at the end of each month, but in faith have decided to make different choices in order to be a part of the healing is taking place in Uganda.
We had just four months to raise the money needed, and today we are TWO months away from leaving.
If you are not in a place to give financially, I beg to continue following our journey and praying for Healing Faith. To know that we are being blanketed in prayer while we are half a world away brings more healing and comfort than you know.
BUT, if you have been following our journey and have felt a nudge in your heart or have been considering doing something, we invite you to choose obedience.
We invite you to choose obedience to that still, small voice not only for what that will mean to the ministry, but because of the joy and the opportunity that comes when we are smack-dab in the center of God's will.
There truly is no amount too small. God goes before us and knows exactly who He has called and what He has called them to give. He has it orchestrated and is bringing together the body of Christ as well as non-Christians to pool our resources and care for His children.

To make a one-time donation or to set up a recurring monthly donation, click on the link below.

A new video was created that shows exactly how our family will be spending the next year. Kari and Jason Segner have been working in Uganda for 3 years with their children. This video is a very touching glimpse into the work that God is doing through them.

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