Wednesday, November 21, 2012

7: Media Month: Day 20

If you have ever considered turning off the boob-tube for an extended period of time, I would highly recommend doing it! I always thought that "those people" were insane. You know, the ones who live with no TV or limit their poor children to an hour per day or less...the horror of it all!
Having the TV off (for the most part) for the past 20 days has been amazing for our family. Dave and I are now trying to figure out how we will keep the positives that we have gained after media month ends. Some of the perks...

  • The one child who no one ever wants to play with, always has someone to play with her now because they aren't plugged into a device. 
  • All 6 kids are almost always engaged in some imaginative game with complex story lines, and they are all playing TOGETHER....HAPPILY!
  • Friday, Chloe spent her money to buy face paint, used some media time to research face painting methods, and then painted everyone's faces. 
  • Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, the kids set up imaginary face painting stations and actually had others waiting in line for imaginary face paint. 
  • The kids are fighting over washing the dishes each night. (I will say, I have no idea how we got this result out of no computers of TV, but I'll take it!)
  • It has proven to me that the world will not, in fact, come to an end if I am not constantly checking facebook. Now, if I stayed off for an extended period of time... ;-)

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