Monday, June 16, 2014

Father's Day

It was Father's Day yesterday, I completely had forgotten. Believe it or not, Hallmark doesn't advertise here. Funny enough, God did place this on my heart on Saturday night, and it ended up being the perfect gift for my kids' wonderful Daddy!

I was just realizing today that I am really good at taking giant leaps of faith. I hear God, I listen and I go. But, I get scared and filled with doubt every single time I step out. Much like the disciple, Peter, I take my eyes off of the One who called me, and I focus on the crashing waves instead. I get scared, I convince myself that the leap was a mistake and that someone else could do it much better, and I want to quit. Most of the time, if it were just me, I would quit, honestly. I tell Dave that I am done, I don’t know what else to do, so I quit.

Dave though… Dave doesn’t let that happen. I get us into these situations, Dave gets us through them. He simply picks up the reigns and takes the lead. He is suddenly empowered with persistence and confidence and he just keeps us moving in the direction that God set us. I know that many times Dave is just as nervous as I am, but still, he just puts one foot in front of the other and forges ahead. Eventually I come back to a place of faith and I can be productive again, but man, there is no way that we could persevere without Dave’s endurance. What a blessing our partnership is. God knew what He was doing when he paired us up! 

Happy Father's Day, Dave!

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