Sunday, September 28, 2014

Raising Up Godly Men Through Futbol

Written by Dave

“What would you like us to accomplish while you are gone?”  
That was one of the million questions we asked the Segners prior to their furlough.  

They asked if we would be interested in leading a Soccer Club/Youth Group for boys in the village.  We talked to some boys and discussed the best time to meet that would not interfere with those who attend school.  
Fridays at 4:00 would work best for the boys. Check! 
Our interpreter, John, and I were going lead the group…..if any boys bothered showing up.  

We had many discussions about what to do with the boys.  Having lead junior high and senior high youth groups for years, it seemed to be easy, right?!?  Thankfully God had this whole thing, because I was worried.  

John kept asking me what I did in my youth groups in Illinois.  I tried to explain what I did in America would not work exactly in Uganda.  After much praying, my answers were given to me….by Cara….which is typical!!  J  She found a guide to help us and told us to take David, our askari because having Ugandan men of God as an example would be so helpful for these young boys.  
What great advice!  

The first week consisted of explaining what we wanted to do, take roll and pictures of the boys, pray, and play soccer.  It was SO much fun and rewarding!  
Always start with warm-ups! John and David had these boys running serious laps!

God was starting something here.  Someone had donated tubs full of little league jerseys, so we could divide the boys and actually play a game.  Unfortunately, I got thrown in as goalkeeper with very little soccer skills!  
Soccer...not a gift of mine. I decided to use the gifts that God HAD given me and be the fool that I am…..laughter can break down ANY barriers that communication cannot solve! So I entertained the adults that came and watched the game.

 Our 2nd week gave me the challenge for the year….at least one of them!  

We talked about prayer, and I asked them how many of them pray to God.  Only my 9 year old son, Carter, raised his hand.  There were 23 boys there…not exactly the response I was hoping for. (I guess I should have expected that answer!)  

I told the boys we would be there every Friday until the end of May when we head back to America.  I said we will see what God can do in the next 8 months! 

So we ask you, Oh Lord, to soften these boys’ hearts and change the minds so that they may become servants for you as they grow to become leaders and Godly men in their village.  Amen.

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