Monday, March 28, 2011

He's Back!

We are knee-deep in the season of Lent right now, and with that comes communion every week at church, lots of talk about Jesus' resurrection, and curious-child questions about what heaven is like.
It was spring break last week, and so, on Friday, we took all of the kids bowling to get out of the house for awhile. Brice is planning on going bowling for his birthday in a few months, so he was loving every moment of the fieldtrip.
On the way home, he asked, "How many birthdays am I going to get?" He wanted to go bowling for this one and then go to Chuck E. Cheese next time. He was just checking how far out he could be planning.
Ella, a very confident 4 year old, said proudly, "You get birthdays till you die." Hmmm, she's right I suppose.
That's all it took for the van full of 3, 4, and 5 year olds to begin a theological debate about what happens when you die and what heaven is like.
Questions addressed included:
  • What do you wear in heaven? Is everyone naked or do you have to wear the same clothes that you died in forever? What does God wear?
  • Does God have legs or does He just float around?
  • Will we be able to find Nibblets, our hamster who died, when we get there?
  • Will everyone be in heaven? What if they don't know and love God?
  • Can you still have birthday parties when you are in heaven? Is every day like a birthday party?
  • Can you ask God to make you an angel if you are done just hanging out?
  • If we are done just hanging out with God, can we come back to earth like Jesus did?
Never in my life have I been more glad that I recently read the Bible cover to cover. I actually felt like the answers I was able to give and the way that I was able to guide the conversation was Biblically sound rather than just what I thought. I tell you, even knowing what the Bible says, these kids had some tough questions! I also am so thankful that my childhood pastor, Kathy Bostrom, wrote a children's book called, What About Heaven? I have that out and ready to read tomorrow!

In addition to it being Lent and this conversation post-bowling, we have been talking each week with Wendy and Gary, who sit behind us in church, about some people in their lives who have cancer. We have been praying for them and checking in to see how Gary's father and Wendy's friend are doing. None of these conversations were lost on little Halie. She has asked lots of questions about why people's bodies stop working right and why they can't just get better. Man oh man, this little girl is going to keep me on my toes!
Unfortunately, two weeks ago, Gary was not in church because his father's condition had worsened, and Gary was at the hospital with him and his family. Gary's father died later that evening, and we prayed for their family that night.
Last week, Wendy and Gary were out of town, so we didn't see them at church.
This morning, as we got settled in our pew, Wendy came in to her usual spot behind us and said good morning to everyone. Gary came in just a few moments behind her. Halie, with her mouth wide open and her eyes as big as saucers said, "Mommy, he came back!"
Not understanding at all what was going through your head, I said, "Yes, Gary's back," very casually.
You put your hand on my arm to get my attention and said, "But Mommy, He came back. How did he come back from heaven?" She was acting like, come on people, a miracle is happening here and you are all just sitting around like it's nothing!
She thought that "Gary-the Dad" had died, not "Gary's Dad". We all had a good laugh as we reassured her and clarified what had actually happened.
What I love most about this whole situation, besides the laughter, is the trust that Halie has in her God. She didn't doubt for a moment that God could do that. He could have brought someone back to life and Halie knew that if he did, it would be worth making a big deal about. She just trusts so whole-heartedly. This is exactly what people mean when they talk about a child-like faith.


  1. Now, I've read the Bible and I am pretty sure it doesn't answer any of those awesome questions.
    Would you share your insights? :)

  2. It sure does answer, or at least give us an idea about the answers to these questions. We are told that some answers won't be revealed until we get there, and that no words can describe the awesomeness, but what we do know is all good.
    We are made in God's image, so I always tell the kids that I think that means that he resembles us...has legs. Not that I think it matters, but it's our human instinct to visualize in our minds what someone looks like when we have a relationship with them.
    Only people who know and love Jesus will be in heaven. It's a sad truth, but it's written pretty clearly.
    Our bodies are made new in heaven. Though we may not be wearing our favorite pair of jeans in heaven, "We will put on our heavenly bodies like new clothing." 2 Cor.5: 2-3 The kids think it's funnier to imagine everyone naked in heaven. They think we all wear white robes for real though. In revelations there are several references to being "clothed in white".
    We don't have to eat in heaven because we are never hungry. We will always be completely satisfied.
    As far as birthdays go, I think everyday must be like a birthday. No more hoping for a favorite toy or a gift or a suprise. We want for nothing. We spend each day with the one who created us and who loves us more than we can imagine. Is there a better gift? Plus, the angels are always singing, so it's some kind of party!
    There is plenty of room for all those we love, pets and people, but I personally don't think we will need our human relationships once we are face to face with God. Again, we will want for nothing. God is all we will need.
    We can't become angels, even if we ask really nice. Angels are messengers of God who were there before the world was created. We are different than angels.
    And, no, we can't come back to earth like Jesus did. He was God in the flesh, the one and only. When people die on earth, they can not come back to life. If they believe in Jesus and ask him to guide their lives, then, upon Jesus' revelation to the world (his 2nd coming) we will live forever in the "new heaven and new earth" because the old will have disappeared.
