Tuesday, March 15, 2011

While we are waiting...

I have never heard an adoption story that didn't involve lots and lots of waiting. This is precisely where we are...again. Not much to do but just live life and feel confident in the fact that the timing will work out eventually.  I thank God each and every day though, that our kids are right here with us as we wait. My heart goes out to all of those adopting internationally whose babies are worlds away while they are waiting!

No adoption date or baptism date yet. I do have a big party planned in my head though for whenever those dates are made known to us!

So, while we wait, we are planning for the spring season of birthdays. We have one in April, 2 in May and 1 in June. We will be seeing lots of the bowling alley it sounds like this year. I am hoping to avoid Chuck E Cheese at all costs. No one has mentioned it yet, so I think we are safe. Chloe has requested a dance party sleepover at our house, so a high school girl is going to come over and teach the girls a new dance. How fun!

Just today, Halie and I took a trip down to the elementary school where we signed her up for kindergarten in the fall. She got to go tour the classrooms, meet the class guinea pigs and mice, and tell the teachers how smart she is. She didn't hold back. She made it perfectly clear that she is ready to attend school...I hope they are ready for her. I have warned them that she is the polar opposite of quiet, soft-spoken Brice!

Wren insists that she is ready for kindergarten as well. Just like with Carter, it's going to be a looooong year of telling her that she has to wait until she turns 5.

Next week is spring break. I have decided that I will use that week to schedule all of the kids' doctor's appointments, eye exams, etc, so that no one has to miss school. I hope the weather isn't too nice because we will spend almost every day in a doctor's office. :) Day to day life with 6 little ones is manageable, but keeping up with dentists, eye doctors, shots, conferences and yearly exams is quite an undertaking!

It was wacky day at school today, so the 3 bigger kids got to choose how they wanted to look. Quite funny!


  1. Chloe looks so much like little-girl you with her hair pulled back and up like that!

    Nathan is starting kindergarten this year, too, so he and Halie will be on the same path. Let me think...any other cousins' kids their age? Serena's probably too young to start this year, isn't she?

    I have friends who are waiting to adopt, right now. But their situation is that they're waiting and waiting and waiting to be picked by a pregnant birth mother. I can't even wrap my mind about what a hard wait it is for them. They say the worst thing is not knowing when it's going to end. Like, it's easier to do a long wait when you know where the endpoint is. Just waiting and waiting...this is hard for them. I feel compassion and support for them, and I express that as often as I can, but I don't think it really eases their burden very much.

  2. Your patience in this process is a testament to the love you have for these children. You and they are truly blessed to have found each other.
