Friday, April 25, 2014


Remember when HIV/AIDS was killing millions of people in Africa at an alarming rate?
Did you know that now, a baby born infected with HIV who begins treatment right away can have no trace of the disease in his body by the age of 2?
AIDS deaths are steadily decreasing in Africa and the rate of those receiving treatment to live a full and happy life with the disease in growing by 100s of percents.

Africa has turned the AIDS epidemic around.

We CAN do the same with Malaria. We MUST do the same with Malaria.

Today is World Malaria Day. 
Will you share this post to educate someone about this deadly disease?

Why on earth would we move our 6 kids to Africa? 
Because we can be a part of putting an end to this...
·       A child dies from malaria every 60 seconds
·       Most of the children are under 5 years old
·       In 2010, almost 600,000 children in Africa died from malaria

 Malaria is preventable, treatable, and curable. The Healing Faith team, which we will be a part of in just 35 days, encounters 6-8 positive malaria tests each week. The testing a treatment for a single person costs less than $3! The average cost of a mosquito net is $4, yet this might as well be a fortune for the Ugandan families who live on less than $2 per day. 

During the rainy season, which they are in the midst of right now, the cases of malaria skyrocket, but access to the villages are impossible due to the muddy, slick dirt roads. It is devastating to be unable to reach a child who has tested positive for Malaria. 
Not another rainy season will pass without Healing Faith having the means to get to those children. This week we begin a campaign for a Mobile Malaria Vehicle that will be able to travel the mucky red dirt roads year round and will be fully stocked to meet all of the medical needs of the villages. 

On this World Malaria Day, will you join Healing Faith as we seek to raise $25,000 in just one week for a Mobile Malaria Vehicle?

CLICK HERE to be a part of the life saving efforts!

As if saving lives was not enough, a donation of $50 will get you this t-shirt. A donation of any amount will get you in a drawing for one of these t-shirts as well as the newly designed logo shirts!

Bless you for being Jesus' hands and feet for children around the world!

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