Saturday, April 26, 2014

It's a no brainer

We will be sleeping under mosquito nets each and every night that we are in Uganda. It's just a no-brainer. Female mosquitoes carry the Malaria virus, and they are active just before dawn and just after sunset. If we are indoors during those times, we are well protected. We are blessed to be able to make this choice. 

Many Africans don't have a choice. In order to survive another day, to keep their families alive, their days begin long before dawn and end long after sunset. Their lives don't allow them to be under a net for those hours.When this is your home, you don't have an "indoors" where you can retreat to. 

We can change this though. We can put an end to this disease. 
We can educate others so that they can know all that we do about this disease. 
We can provide life-saving treatment.
We can spray homes to keep mosquitoes away. 
When we spray multiple homes, we then have protected a village.  

Our goal was to be able to purchase a fully stocked Mobile Malaria Vehicle that would enable us to reach the villages no matter what the road conditions are. We wanted to do this in one week. God thinks we don't even need 7 days for this!
Within a few hours, Brazos Fellowship in Texas had committed to matching each and every penny donated. 
Within just one day, we were half way to our goal. 
Where will God take us today?
How can he use YOU?

Donate HERE

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