Monday, May 5, 2014

We are the Body

25 days until we leave.
My emotions change from moment to moment.
Am I packing away things that we will need in the next few weeks? Am I not packing away enough? Are we trying to bring too much of America with us? Will we wish that we had brought some Fruit Loops?
I don't believe that there is any way to know the correct answers to these questions.

We had an amazing weekend that began with a Coffee House/Art Auction at Jacob's Well, had a jam packed day in St. Louis, and ended with a Sunday of afternoon naps.

The fundraiser raised almost $3,000. That's an incredible amount of money, but I am not so shocked anymore. Every need that we have had, every single request, God has provided for tenfold.

This journey is increasingly becoming more about what God is up to and less about the McMorris family. He has blown us out of the water and any little prideful parts of us that remained have been eliminated.

The art auction contained the creations of many people that we know personally. Several of the musical acts were people who know and love us very much. But there were more. There were amazing works of art by people that we have never once spoken to. Some of the musicians came to share their God given gifts, and had absolutely no idea who the McMorrises were.

This is the Body of Christ as it was meant to be.
We all bring what we have to the altar, and God uses it to accomplish His will.

Not a single person sized us up before deciding to participate. No one wanted to scrutinize what we were going to do or how we planned to do it. Each one simply knew that they had something to offer up to our Creator that He could use to further his kingdom here on earth.

I pray that the Body continues to hear God's voice, God's leading, and chooses to follow in obedience.

What blessing there is in obedience.


  1. Praise the Lord for His provision! So happy to hear that the fundraiser went well!! You guys leave so soon and I can't wait to hear how things go! We love you guys and miss you so much!
    Love, The Spencers.

  2. Good luck on your travels today. Let this be the beginning of an amazing journey. Just trust Him.

    -- Calhouns
