Monday, November 10, 2014

We Wait in Confidence

October has come and gone and we haven't seen a single leaf change colors. The weather has not grown cooler, and there is no giant bowl or candy remaining from Trick-or-Treating. This year is different, that is for sure.

Kato's surgery went fairly well. They ended up grafting some skin from his thigh onto the wound on his calf and ankle. The calf wound is healing nicely, but sadly, a second surgery is needed for the ankle wound. When Kato entered the hospital, he was overflowing with hope. He was confident that once and for all, his leg would be healed.
And then, it wasn't.
He was sent home in only a slightly better condition than when he entered the hospital.
His spirits are low.

It breaks my heart when we run into a situation full of faith, just knowing that God will show up and get all of the glory...and then it doesn't turn out how we had hoped.

It would be easy to say that He failed. It would be easy to say that, in fact, God did not show up. Unbelievers would be quick to say this. Even shaky believers would let that idea invade thier thoughts.

True faith though, is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Have you ever experienced something that seemed devastating at the time, but eventually turned into an incredible blessing?
Have you ever gotten exactly what you wanted and then later realized that maybe, another outcome could have been better?

I have lived through enough of both of those instances to have complete faith in God's timing and in God's planning. He promises His children that He will ALWAYS show up. He promises His children that He is working all things for the good of those who love Him.

So, in the meantime, we encourage Kato. We treat his wound in the village to prevent infection. We pray for patience, and we prepare for surgery number 2. We wait in confidence that God's plan is good, and in anticipation of the ending that He is preparing to write in this story.
We draw close to God and we meditate on His promises...and that is good. That is healing for our souls.

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