Friday, August 20, 2010

The Blessing of Tears

Nancy: A warning from one mom to another: This may be hard to read.

After 3 long hours at the pool today, we all came back tired. I have been letting Halie and Brice stay up from naps this week because they have been having so much fun with the "school kids".
(Sidenote: Halie is so impressed that we get to have "friends come over every day!" Little does she know, this is my job.)
I told these tired kids, 9 total, that they needed to take a break on the couch and watch a movie for a little while. Halie was having a hard time sitting still and not bothering the others, so I made the dreaded threat..."If I hear you one more time, Miss Halie, you will have to go up and take a nap." The words had hardly left my lips when Halie was bugging someone else.
So, knowing that the best thing for kids during a transition is consistency and dependability, I followed through on my threat. Halie and I walked upstairs, and I laid her down in her bed. She was fussing a little and complaining that she didn't want to nap. I said that I was sorry, but that if we don't listen, there are consequences. Then, I walked out of the room.
Her little wimpers gradually grew larger and her cry turned from a "mad that I got in trouble cry" to a "I am really sad and scared cry". It absolutely broke my heart. I went back in the room, and I laid down with Halie. I held her as she sobbed, and then she said, "I want my other mom."
I just hugged her and reassured her. I told that I knew that she missed her other mom, Nancy, and that it would be alright here. The longer I held her, the more she calmed down. I rubbed her back and I was able to tell her how much I love her. I promised her that no matter what she ever says or does, I was going to love her and take care of her. As I repeated those reassurances to her, her eyes slowly closed and she fell asleep. I sat there, continuing to rub her back and thanking God for Halie and this amazing moment with my newest child.
Isn't that just how life goes. We don't want to go through any of the pain, but the comfort and love that comes out of it is such a blessing. I am absolutely in love with these kids.

1 comment:

  1. So sweet and sad at the same time. So excited for your family!! Praying for you all!
