Thursday, August 26, 2010

Loving School...I love sending them, they love going! :-)

Jasmine is not here yet. We are still waiting on that single signature on a single piece of paper.
I am doing my best to get the girls registered for the early childhood program in Unit 5, but guess what?!?! They need paperwork from the previous program before we can move ahead. I am starting to dislike paper all together. I am getting a little bit of sense of why adoptive parents talk about going through a "paper pregnancy". The children don't grow in your belly, but you stress about papers instead and you still have to wait as if it were an actual pregnancy! But, enough of that. Life is wonderful, and I am truly doing my best to trust in God's timing for all of this.
Brice absolutely LOVES kindergarten! He loves his teacher, and he runs so fast when we walk to school in the morning because he just can't wait to get there. I am going to try to get a video of him tomorrow with his little legs and his giant backpack speeding down the sidewalk! It is too cute!
He was so excited after school today to show me a book that he had made...he colored the pre-printed pictures, but the pride he had in would have made one think that he created even the paper it was printed on! He "read" the memorized few pages to me, and he told me about a story that they read in class that went along with the book. I am so excited about all that he will learn over the next year!
Halie is still waiting, as mentioned above, to go to her school. I keep saying that it's not open yet because they don't start until September. She tells everyone, "I will go to school on a bus, but it's still closed." I'm still debating whether I will bus the girls or drive them. She is definately voting to ride the bus though!
Chloe and Carter love school as well. Both of them are doing well with the adjustment of the larger family as well as the beginning of the school year. In church last Sunday, Chloe made a picture of our family (we were all little "lip people") and she included EVERYONE in her family...except herself. It was so sweet.

Carter is telling everyone that Brice is his twin brother. I think that's a good sign?!?!
Wren has had a few really good days...okay, well, I guess I should was a good day! I'll take it!
She really wasn't whiny or fussy at all, and there were no emotional breakdowns as there have been in the past few days. I have to tell you though, it is so painful to hear your baby crying like she is hurt and when you ask her what's wrong she just sobs, "I need you Mommy!" Ugh! Mommy guilt...the gift that keeps on giving.

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