Thursday, August 19, 2010

Finally, a full house!

Although we are still waiting and praying for Jasmine to get here soon, it is so good to have a houseful!
Brice and Halie are adjusting so well. Yesterday each of them said a few times that they wanted to go "home". A phone call to their previous foster mother last night seemed to help. Halie came running to me very excited saying, "Mama said I could stay here forever!". A precious moment.
Both Brice and Halie are so excited about going to school next week. They keep asking if they can go, and I have to tell them it's not open yet. Monday should be an exciting day as Chloe, Brice and Carter head off to school. I am not sure how to tell Halie that her school doesn't start until September.
Chloe is very accepting of the kids now being a part of our family. She has known for a few years that we were praying about adopting. A few weeks ago, when she heard Dave and I talking about this being for sure, she said, "So, does this mean God told you these were the kids?" As if he just called us up and gave us the go ahead.
Carter is Carter. He understands that the kids are now brother and sisters. He has not said anything negative about them being here. He does try to be in charge of them and tell them what to do. I am constantly reminding him that I am the mom and that I can do my job all by myself.
I didn't think Wren was having any issues, she usually just goes with the flow. Yesterday, however, I took Halie and Brice to a meeting and to run some errands. When we returned home, Wren yelled at Halie, "Get out of my stupid home!" Stupid is the "s-word" in our house. It is absolutely not allowed, so she obviously had a lot of anger in that statement. Poor girl. We took some extra snuggle time after that, and I held her as she had a big cry.
Dave and I are loving every moment. Bedtime has gone so smoothly. Halie and Brice got new electric toothbrushes, and they constantly want to brush their teeth. Halie was excited to tell Grandma Nancy, her previous foster mom, about her "noisy kitty toothbrush".
We have told the kids that they can call us whatever they would like, Mom or Cara, Dad or Dave. They go back and forth.
God is just so good. We are so grateful to be lifted up in prayer by so many people during this transition.

1 comment:

  1. And then there's Uncle Peanut Man. Haha. Love it! We are a lucky family.
