Monday, October 21, 2013

It's a Spiritual Battle, not a Financial Battle

I am a goal setter. I always have been. I challenge myself, and I like to challenge others. I get such a thrill out of setting a goal and then reaching it as quickly and as efficiently as I can.
It is no surprise that I flew into fundraising for Return Children's Home in Kampala, Uganda with that same determination.
Last week, as I spoke to a fellow supporter of this ministry who lives in the US, my eyes were opened to the fact that my perspective has to change. She reminded me of Pastor Samuel's perspective. While in Uganda, every word that came from Pastor Samuel's mouth was so full of hope and love and Jesus. There is no doubt in his mind that all that is taking place in Africa, and with their ministry in particular, is a spiritual battle, not a financial battle.
On several occasions, investors have offered to fully fund the land, community center, church and children's home that the Samuels' Family feels called to build. The only problem was that every time, there were strings attached.

They would be happy to give all of the money needed, as long as they would teach
no religion...
a certain facet of the gospel, but not the whole gospel...
a different religion...
if they could have complete control over the project.

What the Samuels' Family has dedicated their lives to is not just a building. It has long been their passion to care for the physical needs as well as the spiritual needs of those in their village. Currently, Pastor Samuel and his wife Sarah rent a small house for them and their 2 children, ages 4 and 6. The pastor's elderly parents rent a small house as well as the empty land next to the house. Within that house 17 children live and grow and learn to be a family. The house is tiny. Most of us probably have garages bigger than this house.

In the empty dirt field next door, so much takes place throughout the week. The children from the village come to eat a few times per week, they can play on the 2 makeshift slides, they can attend church and Sunday school classes, and the teens enjoy weekly "Coffee Time", which similar to a youth group.
The vision, the greatest asset that we can give to this ministry is land. Once they have a place to call their own, they can create a self-sustaining lifestyle. This entire village can be changed if they simply had a place to be...a place to grow...a place to create their future.

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