Monday, October 21, 2013


I mentioned in a previous post that children are lacking a purpose in Africa. That survival is the only thing on the agenda each day. It broke my heart the day I asked about this sign.
This poster is a guide for the exam that children must take to advance in school. This was hanging in the P1 and P2 classroom...the earliest grade in school. Not only do these children not have someone whispering in their ears how special and cherished they are, but they are taught, in school, that their only value is based on what they can do for their families. Another question on that test is something like, "Why do parents have children?" I can give you a list of American answers to that question, and topping the list would be to share the love that they have together with a family. 
You know what the "correct" answer is? 
To fetch water.
This is the uphill battle that many ministries are facing. We hold them and love them and tell them that they are loved by a God who is so big and so mighty, who created them with a purpose on this earth at this time, and then they have to write on a test that parents have children only to fetch the water. 

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