Monday, October 21, 2013

When are we moving to Africa?

We weren't even in Africa a week before Dave declared on facebook, "The Mcs are moving to Africa!" In the 4 months since we have been back, the first question everyone seems to ask is, "When are you moving to Africa?"
Honestly, the answer is, "As soon as God tells us to."

The instant we met those kids in Kampala, I was just as in love as Dave was, but it was so overwhelming, that I knew I wouldn't be able to hear God's whispers above my own breaking heart.
There also were a few minor details like the house we own in America, the jobs that we need in order to pay our bills and then there are those 7 pesky kids that God had already called us to parent. ;-)
I knew, without a doubt, that this was not something to jump into, and not a decision that I could make based on emotion. If I have learned one thing in the past few years, it is that God has a better plan for me than anything I could ever imagine for myself. I needed to wait on His plan.
God bless Dave for his enthusiasm though!
God is working on my heart in so many ways. I am confident that He is leading me and preparing me to be a part of His work in Africa. I don't know exactly what that looks like yet, but I am okay with that.
Right now, what we are considering and praying about is going to Africa next summer for an extended period of time...possibly 3 months. Dave, being a teacher, has the summers off, so we would be able to maintain his income  and not make any drastic changes before we get our feet a little more wet in the Ugandan culture and lifestyle.
We also don't know if we would stay at Return Ministries that entire time, or if an extended stay would give us the opportunity to visit a variety of ministries.
We are talking with others who have gone to Uganda from the US, and we are collecting insight and wisdom.
I am confident that we are not called to international adoption. I LOVE adoption and I it is wonderful in so many ways, but God is not calling us to that. I have heard the "starfish" story, and I even believe in it with all of my heart, but when I pray about adopting a child from Uganda, the answer I feel in my heart is that I am not to take one child out of Africa, but to bring my family to love on them all.

You know what I envision? When I picture us in Uganda, I always see us, our whole family, just being a family with all of the children who need us. I would love to be the Mom to an entire village. It takes a village to raise a child, and I want to be a part of a literal village that raises children.
Again, I don't know what that looks like logistically, but that is the vision that God has placed on my heart. I watch my children, so prepared to love others, so prepared to care for little ones, and I know that God has been doing a great work in their hearts.

So, this is just an update. This is what I am praying about. This is what is on my heart. I am at peace. I trust that the plan will be revealed to me one step at a time, and I am ready to live in obedience.

Thank you to all who are praying and donating with us. Our family is truly being carried through each day by your love.

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