Saturday, January 29, 2011

God is a funny one

After writing that last post, I was browsing through my blog and trying to gain perspective on how far we've come.
God led my back to my very first post. My very own words. I needed to remind myself of that.

As we are praying for our family and our future, we are seeking God's will rather than our own. We know that His plan is the right one, and we want to's just so hard!

God is bigger than our problems. He is bigger than our fears, and his plan is so much bigger and better than we can ever imagine.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding;

in all your ways acknowledge him,

and he will make your paths straight.
He doesn't ask us to consider his opinion. He doesn't ask us to trust him a little. He commands us to trust him with ALL of our heart. He commands us to acknowledge him in ALL our all we do, each and every day.

With our immediate family, with our finances, with our extended's not up to us. God has it all under control.

1 comment:

  1. preach on,girl.easy to hear--hard to do,sometimes. i am so thankful that GOD chose u for ''our'' babies!!!
